Post has published by Stormcrest Games


  • Boardgame Game Play Questions
  • Faction Cards
Questions regarding game play of the board game.
Questions related with the Faction card mechanics
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  • 1. Regarding movement, my opponent enters the move phase and has to follow the move instructions on the card, are they allowed to affect any card not in the allies row across the board? E.g. Affecting a card in my recruits row?

    Yes, when an opponent enters the move phase and has to follow the move instructions on the card, they are allowed to move any card in a recruit, loyalist, or neutral row except for the card drawn from the middle. You must complete all available movements. If a community (color) is not in the moveable areas on the board, you can skip that movement.

  • 2. Where do you discard Faction cards?

    You should place them off to the side of the board but they should be kept together somewhere in case someone uses the Refaction neutral card (which allows the player to randomly replay a pre-played Faction card, not including Legendaries).

  • 3. When playing a Lasting row effect, can you bump an already placed effect off to put yours on or can you only play on an empty row?

    Unless the card tells you otherwise, you must remove the card from the board before placing another Lasting Effect in that row effect area. There are cards such as Manipulator (Alpha/Razor) that may do a remove and add back on to the board effect at once but this is the exception.

  • 4. Is there any reason two people couldn’t play the same faction against each other?
    Nope, it is really fun to play them against each other. The only thing is you must pay closer attention to your effect cards but it typically isn’t an issue.
    Dawnlight versus Dawnlight can be a really interesting game if both players use St Vicious.
  • 5. Can a Faction card interrupt a play in the middle of a phase? For example, if I choose a card from the neutral area during my move phase, can the opponent reveal and play a Faction card that could steal the card I was about to move?

    We do not play this way officially. Any card, specifically those first edition Alpha and Razor that say "At any time" are used to signify "at any time during a turn but between the start and completion of phases". Obviously, writing all of that on every card makes no sense so we used that "at any time" reference to mean between the phases. There are a couple cards that have between phase triggers but these cards will define that trigger specifically such as Darwin's Objective in Edgehunter which may trigger during the middle of the Draw phase if a 10 or a negative value appears. The opponent can reveal and steal a card that you were about to move but this has to be done before you begin the new phase.

    OFFICIAL: No, a card cannot interrupt in the middle of a Phase. Complete each phase and then perform the play on the card or trigger it before the phase is started.

  • 1. Two questions from a single card: Inventor. 1) The first community card drawn (to select community) goes to the Community, not to the selected row, correct? 2) If both players use Inventor (we did), and both cards draw the same community (we didn't), what happens?

    The card drawn to select the Community goes under the Inventor card (does not count for points because it is not actually in the row); For 2: the 2nd player to play Inventor then draws a new Community card and places the first draw in the afterlife.

    In the game guide it should explain “indefinite loops” under the Golden Rules section. Throughout the game, any combination that creates an I definite loop is not allowed and the card will be killed and a new card drawn until it is a different community. This is also valid with Black Mirror for example.

  • 2. How does St. Vicious interact with effects that move cards directly to allies? Do those cards also stop at Loyalists or does the effect fizzle out?

    It acts like a wall blocking any and all possible ways to get to Allies. Just place them in Loyalists. This will continue to happen as long as St. Vicious is on the board.

  • 3. Does Child of Heaven goes into the Lasting Effect slot of the row she moved everything to or the row she moved everything from?

    Child of Heaven can be placed in the Recruits or Loyalists row that the cards were moved to, not from. Also, just a reminder, Child of Heaven CANNOT move cards back into the neutral area. It can also move all Loyalists to Allies but then the +5 cannot be used and the card is discarded.

  • 4. When a card is moved out of community and lands in a row where a mousetrap kills it, do the symbols still trigger? (Draw faction and draw community) Or is it dead before those trigger?

    Yes, any time you draw a starting card, all actions trigger but the card would be killed.

    Even ones moved by the starting card?

    Draws would be the only actions that could happen when a card is moved by the starting card and those occur when they break the neutral area line. Once they land in the row, they are killed but the draw and/or faction action would still occur.
  • 5. Inventor: 1) When you draw a community card to designate the community that is pulled to the Inventor, where do I place this card? 2) If both players use Inventor and both cards draw the same community, what happens?

    1) The card drawn to select the Community goes under the Inventor card (does not count for points because it is not actually in the row);

    2) the 2nd player to play Inventor then draws a new Community card and places the first draw in the afterlife. In the game guide it should explain “indefinite loops” under the Golden Rules section. Throughout the game, any combination that creates an I definite loop is not allowed and the card will be killed and a new card drawn until it is a different community. This is also valid with Black Mirror for example.

  • 6. What is the difference between an Action card and a Neutral card? The rarity? Are Neutral cards in each Faction?

    Neutral cards are less rare because they are found in every deck but they are a little more rare within your own deck because they can be more powerful than most Action cards. They are in between the power of an Action and the power of an Epic on average. Neutral cards are also predominately made up of Lasting Effect cards played on the rows which makes them unique. Epic cards are the second most powerful and rare followed by Legendary cards which are the most rare. Each deck contains at least 8 Action cards, only 5 Neutral, only 5 Epics and only 2 Legendaries.
