Post has published by Stormcrest Games
The Tolltaker

   The Tolltaker



A man by the name of Svendic was born during the great curse in the far north. He gave signs as a newborn that he was dangerous. His parents left him in an abandoned mine to die of exposure or worse. Svendic would be raised by a vagabond who found him and eventually became known as Tolltaker. He took this name because if you came upon him and tried to pass, a toll must be paid or pay the consequences. This makes him an excellent trade and barter master for Waterborne. He has a rare ability to cloud ones mind and make them see him in any way he wishes. It is unknown exactly what his real physical nature looks like.

Community Draw



Place behind any card on the board. Cards from the same Community (color) that land or move through the row with this card, will trigger a draw of 1 Community card to your Recruits. Tolltaker cannot be placed in Allies or killed. If in the neutral area it will not trigger draws.