Post has published by Stormcrest Games
Onya and Bardigo

   Onya and Bardigo



In the wastelands of the north, the cold winters are brutal for both humans and animals alike. Onya, as a young women, had a remarkable instinct about her. She could feel when certain animals were close by and could vaguely see their heat signature if she was close enough. During a particularly harsh winter storm, Onya found herself lost in a blizzard, taking shelter in a crevice where she happened upon a small, orphaned polar bear cub. For several days, she shared what resources she had to help keep the cub alive. When she retuned with the cub, a strange mutation occurred which enabled a sort-of sharing of the mind. As the years wore on, they became inseperable, the cub grew and became a fearsome warrior alongside what he called “his sister”. He was named Bardigo and no matter how many battles they fight and how many limbs are lost, their bond remains unbreakable.






Place face up in Round Effect. Spilt your Faction deck into 2 piles. On your remaining Faction plays draw 1 Faction card from each pile. Choose 1 to add to your hand and place the other on either of the piles. This card is unremovable.