The power of flight has been something humans have been after for centuries. Dawnlight has tried to build technologies that would act as wings, Edgehunter would use elemental wind to move objects but Waterborne has one person who has achieved the greatest feet of all. Born with a strange indentation in her back, Arkyna was the daughter of two warg-like parents who had the ability to see through the eyes of two different species of bird. Though these powers her parents had were not uncommon in the Waterborne, Arkyna had something completely different though it took years for anyone to understand what was occuring. Around ten years of age, these indentations began to push outward and extend as if two new arms were forming. They were unsure if they were tumors or some malignant growth but as it turned out, it was nothing of the sort. She, by some strange mutation of the body, was growing a set of wings. It seemed impossible until the understanding of the Emperyean event came to light. The bird DNA simply mutated and this change took many generations. Although she still has not used the wings to actually fly, they believe in the coming years this might be a possibility.
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