Post has published by Stormcrest Games
King Calabrese

   Calabrese the Titan



One of the most feared and unpopular leaders in the city of the Novus, King Calabrese is essentially the first of his own royal line with no respectable family history outside of enormous wealth. There is no true noble lineage here. However, in this new world, he has the power of the Bloodcrown behind him and the monetary means to get just about anything accomplished. He has a beautiful queen by his side, when she’s not trying to move against him. He has a wonderful son and daughter who both ignore him and are always looking for their own path to the throne. Despite the family disfunction, King Calabrese is dangerous and has powers that cannot be replicated.






Place the King behind any positive card on your side. This card is now the King and it is protected. The King moves onto each of your Starting cards and protects for 1 round. Choose 1 Community and its movements on the King’s card and replace 1 one of the movements on Starting card. If replacing a + or – with opposite move value, it becomes 0. If removed, choose 1 neutral area card and move to Allies.