Post has published by Stormcrest Games




There is a bridge between the Spiritual Leadership and the Imperial Armed Forces that bonds them together. This bridge is actually a powerful women by the name of Trinity. She has control and influence over the lower end of the military spectrum by leading the group of pawns on missions that can be done outside of the court. She’s called Trinity, because there are three pawns that are directly under her purview, the Conscriptor, the Assassin and the Herald.




Instantly play 3 of your Bloodpawns from any hand, deck, or discard pile. Place 1 in a Loyalists, 1 in a Recruits, and 1 in the neutral area. If a Pawn cannot be placed on a card in that row, discard Bloodpawn. If taken from your hand, draw Faction card(s) to replace and if taken from your Faction deck reshuffle it.