Post has published by Stormcrest Games

   Risora the Devout



My how religion has changed, especially in and around the Highness. Risora Cazal comes from a lower aristocratic family and took her oath in the spiritual realm at a very early age. She rose to prominence for her ability to seemingly change the minds of non-believers almost instantly while bringing them over to her side. When the King ordered a complete reconstruction of the Spiritual Leadership, Risora was the clear-cut favorite and was chosen as the head Bishop of Bloodcrown. She dropped her last name and will forever be known as Risora the Devout. Dress code was immediately altered to a much less formal attire.






Place behind a card on your side of the board. This card only moves between the row it’s placed in and the same row on an opponent’s side. As it moves, it may bring any 1 card from that row with it. If removed, draw 1 Community card and place in Loyalists. Opponent may move this card but cannot kill it. + and – movements will move the Bishop between rows in the same manner.