Post has published by Stormcrest Games
Guyat Vainswild

   Guyat Vainswild



The Vainswild clan has always been a little peculiar. Their incredible wealth combined with their stately residence in the Highness known as Narcisica Estates has made them very infamous. The family is typically more haughty than a normal Bloodcrown aristocrat and Guyat is at the most egocentric center of them all. Guyat is a sneaky little bastard with many tricks up his sleeve. His fencing blade is made of a hardened gallium, iron-niobium alloy compound. It is encrusted with a mixture of rare blood diamonds and shredded scandium metal shards which are both extremely rare and unbelievably valuable. He calls this sword Provoker and it’s the most sought after weapon in Novus.






Place face down in Round Effect. When the opponent uses a Faction play to affect your highest card, reveal and move any 2 cards from their side of the board to your Loyalists. If your highest valued card is protected, your next highest card will count.