Post has published by Stormcrest Games
Geraint Bladeslayer

   Geraint Bladeslayer



A giant of a man, Sir Geraint Bladeslayer is one of the three knights of Bloodcrown also known as Bloodknights. His title is the Knight of Dismay and it’s pretty clear why. He kills unnecessarily and without remorse. He picks his targets and typically aim for the head. He does not speak too often and does his King’s duties without question. He is one of Calabrese’s favorites because he’s a good listener.






Kill 1 card on the board. Draw up to 2 random Afterlife cards. Place 1 in Allies and up to 1 in the neutral area or up to 2 in your Recruits. Once played, place card behind any card on the board. If card is in a Recruits or Loyalists row at game’s end, move 1 random neutral area card to Recruits. Remove the Knight from any card if killed and place in discard.