Post has published by Stormcrest Games
Balthazar Titus

   Balthasar Titus



One of the strongest fighters in the Imperial Armed Forces was a man by the name of Balthasar Titus. His strength was legendary, and his swordplay was epic. But what set him apart from all the others was his ability to mimic the fighting style of the opponent on the other end of the sword. This uncanny ability made him a favorite at all arena events, and this led directly to his knighthood by the King. As the most recent knight added to the Bloodknights, he is both popular amongst the Community and the Bloodcrown Advisory Council as well.






Place face down in Round Effect. Copy opponent’s next revealed Faction play after they complete their turn. Once played, place card behind any card on the board. If card is in Recruits or Loyalists at game’s end, draw 1 Community card and place in Recruits. If copying a Card Effect, Knight loses game’s end bonus. Remove the Knight from any card if killed and place in discard.