Post has published by Stormcrest Games
The Elixir

   The Elixir



A feast was held in the King’s honor to celebrate his coronation. Unfortunetly for many of the invitees, King Calabrese had other plans. He set in motion the beginning of his terror on the world by poisoning many of his detractors and doing so while slowly leading each person out of the hall before others could see them parish. It was artistic in it’s devilry and he was able to keep these deaths relatively secret for some time which enables him to enact more of his plan before other enemies wised up to his motives.



Community Draw



Draw 4 Community cards and place 2 in your Recruits. Kill 1 card that matches the color of one of the placed cards in that row. Place 1 card in opponent’s Recruits and kill 1 card that matches its color in that row. Place remaining card in neutral area.